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This database, and the materials contained herein, was acquired from the Estate of Karen Mills, as a legacy database, and is now owned by the Poodle Club of America (PCA). The information contained herein may, or may not, reflect actual registered information. Visitors to this database should not act upon any information contained herein. This database is for informational purposes only and is not intended to purport to be, and does not constitute, actual certified pedigree information.
Poodle Club of America does not verify pedigrees, nor does it guarantee that they are correct. The data within this database is informational and was submitted by users. For verified, certified pedigrees, please acquire them from the respective kennel club, such as American Kennel Club.
By registering and/or logging in and/or using this site, you are acknowledging that you are ok with the fact that regions of the site DO NOT adhere to ADA specifications. Due to the complexity of the information presented, such conformance is not possible.